Tuesday, July 10, 2012

No Children were harmed in the making of this post.

                             Hey, it's been awhile, too long actually... Whatcha been up to?

We've been busy- busy- busy over in my neck of the woods. What with the holiday and this was a Summer Camp drop off weekend and all -- I'm happy to report no one caught on fire this 4th, hooray!

The weather was hot (where wasn't it?) and we even had some rain (I'm not complaining I promise)... but because of the intermittent showers we weren't sure if they'd actually do the display, but alas, we did get to see them - it was quite an adventure, bug bites and all!

That aside there was one comical story I've been just dying to share with you...

Remember just a moment ago that I mentioned the rain we had on the 4th? Well it happened a few times that day, and the first time it did - it actually snuck up on us. Of course it didn't last too long, but it really was long enough. I've had to wait until now to write about it because I still burst into giggles when I start thinking about it.

Let me try and re-create the scene...

Like the rest of the U.S. our weather here has been a little unpredictable, but I'll preface that hot has been a steady trend.

Sure the day was cloudy, but it hasn't rained in FOR-EV-ER, so of course we thought nothing of it, business as usual.

My Bestie and her family were over to help celebrate (Yay for Friends) and we'd all just eaten.  Of course the adults were working through the makings of holiday-mini-food comas when the kids started a new round of begging to get into the water.  We finally relented, having waited "an appropriate amount of time after eating" to let them swim.  

Of course I'd really be remiss if I forgot to mention that my pool is really not made for "swimming" so much as made for wading and splashing.  I think at most it is 9x5 and 2 ft deep.  

Nonetheless they were having so much fun cooling off, and we were having so much fun sitting in our lawn chairs doing, well NOTHING that we disregarded the darkening of the sky and the first two or so water droplets.
Now if you can try and imagine the surprise we all got when the now darkened skies opened up and these huge heavy drops poured down on us.  My 3 girls and my bestie's daughters all start screaming!  The older girls jump straight out of the water and start running for the cover.  Leaving my little 2 year old in the pool all by her lonesome. 

I'm sure you can probably guess what happens next, but I will do my best to describe how the events unfolded right before my eyes... and I will also try to do it justice, but I'm having difficulty coming up with appropriate words to describe the look on her little face (and not giggling).

There she is, my lil' sweetie, one minute happy and carefree splashing along in the pool, the next she was being pelted by hefty bombs raindrops and then yet another time as they splashed down into the pool water and then back up into her face. She was frozen in place and began shrieking calling out to me, "HELP ME, HELP ME!"

She really lost it when she realized the other girls had all ditched her. Of course by the time I got to her she was in full out panic mode (I was probably 10-15 feet away, tops). When I got to her I snatched her up out of the water and she clung to me like I'd just rescued her from the jaws of Hell. Even though I had her she kept crying and saying "Help, Help" because she was really that scared.
I think it was my hubs who made the comment - "All those girls all jumped out of the pool and left her like someone yelled shark!" I knew there was no threat to her the entire time, that it was just a little rain and she'd be fine. But her face, WOW her face. It was that look, the 'OMG, I'm terrified - a shark is gonna eat me and everyone else left me as bait' look... it was priceless!

I swear at that moment - once I had her held tight in my arms- I'd never in my entire life been more torn between wanting to comfort for my obviously frightened (and probably emotionally scarred) child and almost wetting my undies because it was hilarious.

I wish I would have had a camera, or a camcorder it  would have been the $100,000 shot on AFV! And I'm SO disappointed in myself because I feel this way and also a little p.o'ed that I didn't stop to take a picture!

I dunno, what am I supposed to feel? She was always okay, but she'll probably never want to get into the water again. Oh my poor, poor girl!

Well, there you have it. The funniest news from Pleasant Street.

'Til next time,


P.S. If you have similar stories, I'd love it if you'd share them.

Or if you want to let me know your thoughts/ feelings about my reaction -- please, PLEASE leave me comments.

And if you liked what you read today, you can follow my blog... better even still do BOTH!!! =)

Whatever you do, Thank you for reading and come back often.