Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day blues?

Things have been a little nuts around these parts lately.  Finishing up summer for me is more difficult than adjusting to the kids being home.  We've always got so many things we want to accomplish but then the darn summer sneaks up on us and before you know it, poof! it's gone.   
We did alright though, getting our summer finished up on the right note, it just took a lot of time and hence the no posting for the last month.  

As of 9:00 this morning my two oldest kids are back in school and I have a little sanity back to my day.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy summer with my kiddos a lot, but there is something nice about having time to collect your thoughts (and I don't mean the stolen 10 minutes standing in the shower).  I think beside having my Me time, I will also enjoy the one on one Mommy time with my youngest.  

This morning was rough on her, getting up and going with me to drop her sisters at school. She cried after them and it was the sweetest thing.  After reassuring her they would be home on the bus in the afternoon she quieted down.  She seems to be enjoying herself now though, here at home with all the toys to herself.  Maybe she has found her silver lining.  

Back to school is a bittersweet thing for me, because yes there are aspects of having them off at school all day I love (especially that they aren't here making messes and needing referee) but it is also a reminder that everyday they are getting older, they are growing up and one of these days they'll be so grown that they'll have finished school altogether. And frankly that scares me silly.  They're my babies.

Is it just me who feels this way?  What kinds of feelings or thoughts does back to school time elicit for you?  I'd really love to hear your thoughts or opinions.

Thanks for reading.  

'Til next time