Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm really, really bad at this

Keeping a blog that is. 

I think about writing here all the time, I jot down anecdotes and topics I could easily write pages about - but the pressing issues from my daily life (kids, bills, groceries, PTA, Girl Scouts...) take precedents over anything I want to express creatively.  

And so here we are.  Me, having not even been to this page in over two weeks.  Sigh.   I wish I had a pause button for life.  I could get so much more done.  

To all you full time bloggers out there, kudos to you, I don't know how you do it.  

I thought it would become easier now that the older girls are in school full-time, but that is simply not the case.  My 2 year old spends so much time distracting me because she is thrilled that we are home alone and that I am apparently only there for her own entertainment that I am finding it difficult to keep up with even the most mundane everyday things (like vacuuming and laundry).  

It probably doesn't help any either that my husband's job has him working in another city, requiring him to continually stay at a hotel until the work is complete.  It was originally intended to be a three week limited engagement, that quickly became six, and possibly may be extended even further to nine.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining (too much) I really like the extra money it is bringing in --goodness only knows that we need it!  I am just really, super busy and stretched about as thin as I can go!  I am wearing all the hats in this family.  Beyond the typical Mom stuff I do everyday (run of the mill butt wipery, refereeing, planning and  holding scout meetings and juggling our calendar of obligations) I am finding myself doing things typically relegated to Dad (the fixing broken toys, figuring out how to work out the DirecTV/DVD thingy, weed-eating, taking out the trash) and it really leaves me with very little free time. 

I know I've read it countless times in lots of different places - that if you want to be a great writer, the key component of that is simple, you must write.  
So I do, most days...

In a journal that I keep for myself alone.  That I conveniently leave in a drawer right next to my toilet.  I would have to say that on the whole I am typically left alone and uninterrupted for 5-20 minutes even (sometimes) to, uhm hmm, take care of business.  Some of my best stuff comes out of me during that time (no weird pun intended there).  
But seriously, I can collect my thoughts and actually think.  

Hmm, that gets me thinking now.  Maybe I should ask hubby if it would be okay to put a computer in the bathroom... No, no, I kid!

But perhaps it would become easier if I knew that this was getting somewhere, that there are actually readers, it would inspire me to find more time.  I find the time for my journal because I do actually go back and re-read what I've written.  If  for no other reason that I like to see all of the clever witty things I've come up with and to discover that in fact things actually do get better -- and at times, they can and will unfortunately become worse than you imagine too.

I'd love to respond to questions, or comments from you...  
What's on your mind?  Tell me about it... and I pinky-promise that I will respond (no guarantees on time frame)

So, 'Til next time...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day blues?

Things have been a little nuts around these parts lately.  Finishing up summer for me is more difficult than adjusting to the kids being home.  We've always got so many things we want to accomplish but then the darn summer sneaks up on us and before you know it, poof! it's gone.   
We did alright though, getting our summer finished up on the right note, it just took a lot of time and hence the no posting for the last month.  

As of 9:00 this morning my two oldest kids are back in school and I have a little sanity back to my day.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy summer with my kiddos a lot, but there is something nice about having time to collect your thoughts (and I don't mean the stolen 10 minutes standing in the shower).  I think beside having my Me time, I will also enjoy the one on one Mommy time with my youngest.  

This morning was rough on her, getting up and going with me to drop her sisters at school. She cried after them and it was the sweetest thing.  After reassuring her they would be home on the bus in the afternoon she quieted down.  She seems to be enjoying herself now though, here at home with all the toys to herself.  Maybe she has found her silver lining.  

Back to school is a bittersweet thing for me, because yes there are aspects of having them off at school all day I love (especially that they aren't here making messes and needing referee) but it is also a reminder that everyday they are getting older, they are growing up and one of these days they'll be so grown that they'll have finished school altogether. And frankly that scares me silly.  They're my babies.

Is it just me who feels this way?  What kinds of feelings or thoughts does back to school time elicit for you?  I'd really love to hear your thoughts or opinions.

Thanks for reading.  

'Til next time 

Friday, August 3, 2012

It's too late for this...

I've been coordinating and volunteering to co-run a yard/bake sale to benefit my daughters's scout troops this week... 

I am currently up at 12:36 AM making banana muffins for said bake sale.  

I spent all day in the hot sun pricing clothes, setting up tables and dealing with customers trying to low-ball my already fair if not low prices.

AND I have the next 2 days to look forward a repeat much of the same.  

I'm. COMPLETELY. exhausted.  
Tomorrow it is supposed to be 90...

Yard sells STINK! Whose idea was this anyway???  Oh, yea, mine.  =(

It will hopefully be worth all of the time and effort!  

That is all.

'Til next time...

Have suggestions for us?  Want to share your yard sale tips or horror stories?  Please share them! We can't wait to hear from you... 

It does no good to write it if you FORGET to post it!

Here we are at the beginning of a new week.  


The gateway to seven days full of so many possibilities, so much potential - so many opportunities... 

Actually it is kind of depressing to think about.  

Wait, what?! 
Why you're probably asking? 
Sunday USED to be my favorite day, because I always have so many aspirations to make THIS "the week" that stuff gets done.
But that never happens and so very little actually gets accomplished.  That despite all my lists and reminders it still feels like for every step forward I make, I wind up two behind where I wanted or needed to be.

The funny thing is people are constantly saying things like this to me: "Wow, I don't know how you have time for it all."  "I don't know how you do it!" "How do you manage, you're always go-go-go?"  

Ha!  If they only knew.  If they could only look into my head (and possibly all of the boxes of stuff I have been saving to finish) and see all of the things that I really truly wish I had time for, and WANT to do, they would think I was NUTS! The thing is though, I used to be normal. 

But then I went off to college.  
There I was my getting through life, being a good person, working as a server (oh don't get me going on the atrocity of that one!)  When I encountered Jamie, a girl who is still probably the sweetest person I've ever met.  We were both in school to become teachers and we had so much in common it was beyond ridiculous, so obviously became fast friends.  

It's been years since I've seen her, and even though it's long after graduation (and despite my continual moving) she and I have stayed in touch over the years.  Even though there is so much time, and now the even more, distance between us, I still find myself thinking about her... her generosity, strength and optimism.  Even though she's a tiny thing, barely over five feet tall her personality is twice that big and talk about contagious! 

But I digress.  

Probably the most important thing I learned from her was about the importance of  doing random acts of kindness.  We used to do all kinds of things to help people - strangers, friends, family and the people we worked with - if we saw they needed help and it was something with our power or abilities to do, we did it. We didn't ask for anything in return, it was just out of the goodness of our hearts.  It made us feel good.  Even though I haven't asked her lately if she's still doing RAK's, I can almost bet that she is.  I know I am.  

By doing so I try and LIVE the example I want to set for my children. 

That sometimes the best things to give to others aren't presents.  They are gifts that are not wrapped in neat and tidy packages, they don't have to cost a lot of money and won't always arrive on holidays.  

They come from the heart. 

They typically just take your time, your creativity and imagination (and maybe a little sweat or elbow grease).  But to the people you are helping out, it could be that day brightener they needed.  The thing that makes their week... and in return it will make yours.  The best part is that  when you do things for others unselfishly they are more apt to pay it forward to someone else.  

How cool is that?!  

I think it's SUPER. 

So maybe after reading this post you'll be inspired to do some Random Acts of Kindness of your own.  Be the example for your own children, or just to help yourself feel really good for being a WONDERFUL fellow human being!  

I hope your day is terrific and your week full of surprises!

'Til next time 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Long time no see...

I've sat down at this computer several times over the last week or so with the intention of writing a highly clever and witty blog post, but unfortunately not much has transpired. 

It may have something do to with a combination of things - too many late nights (by choice -- that's my Me time), then NOT sleeping due to sick kids and a restless brain, or perhaps it was several days of the very early morning appointments (after the late nights/not sleeping) that just finally caught up with me but I just could not get with it.  I was in that Zombie-like state where things get done, but you're pretty much on auto-pilot and don't remember doing them.  

I REALLY hate that.  I think I especially hate it while driving.  When I was "younger" and alone in the car I would reach my destination and not be able to remember making the trip because I was so deep in thought or so spaced out that it's like I'd just driven through a time warp.  I'm sad to admit that it has happened...  More. Than. Once. 

I've even gone to the store and wound up in a check lane with a basket of groceries and don't remember shopping for them.   (It was the worst when I was a new mom, OMG don't even get me started!) I personally think that it is a sign that maybe a break is needed, right???

So that's what I did.  I took some time to get my priorities in order. 

After my brief hiatus - I'm rested and full of zeal... well that is kind of over stating it really.  Let me put it this way -- I am conscious and semi-coherent, anyway. And ready to give this blog my attention again.  I'm dedicated.   

I know from reading other blogs that the way to keep your readers interested is to write, and write often.   But I guess the problem I'm having is making it entertaining for you all as well. When I started mulling over the idea of writing a blog all sorts of funny and interesting things were going on.  

Now that I have bit the bullet and started, it feels like our lives have hit the doldrums and  we're waiting for another gust of wind to come along and take us where we need to go. 

I'm just not sure where that direction is right now, but I've already managed to make time in between daily summer lessons, trips to the library for summer reading, soccer games and practices, doctors appointments (with my hubs being off work because of surgery), doing the shopping/cooking, cleaning and laundry to do this.  Even if I still have a yard work to do,  a garden to tend, a yard sale to help organize and scouting for events to plan -- I'm making time because this IS important.  So, I guess what I am trying to say very inarticulately is thanks for being patient and hanging with me.  I'm getting there and I'll try to keep the Zombie in check.  

More to come soon... 
But until then I'd really like to know, am I alone?  Does anyone else ever feel like their lives are stuck on auto-pilot?  What do you do to break the cycle??  Do you ask for help? 
I'm really interested and I'd love to hear from you.  Thanks again for reading.  

'Til next time, 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

No Children were harmed in the making of this post.

                             Hey, it's been awhile, too long actually... Whatcha been up to?

We've been busy- busy- busy over in my neck of the woods. What with the holiday and this was a Summer Camp drop off weekend and all -- I'm happy to report no one caught on fire this 4th, hooray!

The weather was hot (where wasn't it?) and we even had some rain (I'm not complaining I promise)... but because of the intermittent showers we weren't sure if they'd actually do the display, but alas, we did get to see them - it was quite an adventure, bug bites and all!

That aside there was one comical story I've been just dying to share with you...

Remember just a moment ago that I mentioned the rain we had on the 4th? Well it happened a few times that day, and the first time it did - it actually snuck up on us. Of course it didn't last too long, but it really was long enough. I've had to wait until now to write about it because I still burst into giggles when I start thinking about it.

Let me try and re-create the scene...

Like the rest of the U.S. our weather here has been a little unpredictable, but I'll preface that hot has been a steady trend.

Sure the day was cloudy, but it hasn't rained in FOR-EV-ER, so of course we thought nothing of it, business as usual.

My Bestie and her family were over to help celebrate (Yay for Friends) and we'd all just eaten.  Of course the adults were working through the makings of holiday-mini-food comas when the kids started a new round of begging to get into the water.  We finally relented, having waited "an appropriate amount of time after eating" to let them swim.  

Of course I'd really be remiss if I forgot to mention that my pool is really not made for "swimming" so much as made for wading and splashing.  I think at most it is 9x5 and 2 ft deep.  

Nonetheless they were having so much fun cooling off, and we were having so much fun sitting in our lawn chairs doing, well NOTHING that we disregarded the darkening of the sky and the first two or so water droplets.
Now if you can try and imagine the surprise we all got when the now darkened skies opened up and these huge heavy drops poured down on us.  My 3 girls and my bestie's daughters all start screaming!  The older girls jump straight out of the water and start running for the cover.  Leaving my little 2 year old in the pool all by her lonesome. 

I'm sure you can probably guess what happens next, but I will do my best to describe how the events unfolded right before my eyes... and I will also try to do it justice, but I'm having difficulty coming up with appropriate words to describe the look on her little face (and not giggling).

There she is, my lil' sweetie, one minute happy and carefree splashing along in the pool, the next she was being pelted by hefty bombs raindrops and then yet another time as they splashed down into the pool water and then back up into her face. She was frozen in place and began shrieking calling out to me, "HELP ME, HELP ME!"

She really lost it when she realized the other girls had all ditched her. Of course by the time I got to her she was in full out panic mode (I was probably 10-15 feet away, tops). When I got to her I snatched her up out of the water and she clung to me like I'd just rescued her from the jaws of Hell. Even though I had her she kept crying and saying "Help, Help" because she was really that scared.
I think it was my hubs who made the comment - "All those girls all jumped out of the pool and left her like someone yelled shark!" I knew there was no threat to her the entire time, that it was just a little rain and she'd be fine. But her face, WOW her face. It was that look, the 'OMG, I'm terrified - a shark is gonna eat me and everyone else left me as bait' look... it was priceless!

I swear at that moment - once I had her held tight in my arms- I'd never in my entire life been more torn between wanting to comfort for my obviously frightened (and probably emotionally scarred) child and almost wetting my undies because it was hilarious.

I wish I would have had a camera, or a camcorder it  would have been the $100,000 shot on AFV! And I'm SO disappointed in myself because I feel this way and also a little p.o'ed that I didn't stop to take a picture!

I dunno, what am I supposed to feel? She was always okay, but she'll probably never want to get into the water again. Oh my poor, poor girl!

Well, there you have it. The funniest news from Pleasant Street.

'Til next time,


P.S. If you have similar stories, I'd love it if you'd share them.

Or if you want to let me know your thoughts/ feelings about my reaction -- please, PLEASE leave me comments.

And if you liked what you read today, you can follow my blog... better even still do BOTH!!! =)

Whatever you do, Thank you for reading and come back often.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Because Chocolate can't get you pregnant...

I found this pic on Pinterest via -

And now I see I've gotten your attention... =)

You're back. How've you been?

We seem to have gotten a little traffic around these parts and I thought, Well if you want to keep them happy & sated you have to post, so without further delay--

With the Fourth of July is right around the corner I've been inspired to write a theme-post.  Of course the I get my inspiration from my neighbor's on Pleasant street - because for the last week or so they've been gearing up for the big day, making sure to "practice" at all hours so they'll be able to get it just right when the time comes. Or at least that's what I tell myself when I hear a barrage of bottle rockets and firecrackers going off at 3 in the morning.

They're celebrating the country they love so much, rockets red flare and all. Then of course you have to also love what it does to the neighborhood dogs -- and they will not be overlooked making sure to get in on the act too, all in response to all the blessed late night fireworks. Who doesn't enjoy being woken from a deep sleep scared silly in the middle of the night?

                Oh, that's right,

      ME and my sleeping family!

Don't get me wrong, I've been known enjoy a good holiday celebration as much as the next gal. But I've also come to the conclusion that the 4th was a whole lot more fun when I was a kid. For me the entire staring at the pretty fireworks until I get a kink in my neck while lying around on a blanket on the ground, at dark, while being a mosquito's dinner really doesn't hold the same appeal that it once did. I mean really, I hate to say it, but if you've seen one firework show, you've kinda seen them all.

It's thinking about these things that bring back some of my own childhood Fourth of July memories -- Oh where to start...

In my family celebrating the 4th was very important. For my Dad it was top of the list, like Christmas was to Mom - to help you better understand, my Mom lives for Christmas, and that is where I'll leave that one, for now...

I should also preface that because of said importance my Dad went to great lengths to prepare to celebrate the 4th ensuring everything was just right. They'd all start early.

While my Mom would craft her potato salad and Gramma her famous baked beans. my brother, sister and I would break into the sparklers (the dangerous metal ones - talk about no parental supervision needed - if you really knew my family you'd bust a gut because we are very accident prone, and have very bad luck with fire) and those smelly and atrociously dirty "snakes."

For my Dad, no Independence Day celebration would be complete without doing some type of barbecue or rotisserie meat and seeing that we were from Illinois, he needed farm fresh sweet-corn too.

And by early afternoon the menu would have been executed, so of course we ate. I mean nothing said "We love America" more in our house than having to sit around in the sweltering mid-day July heat with a belly so full even walking became difficult... well except maybe recounting the details about the annual sojourn to Indiana to procure the fireworks that would be used later that night - but only 

AFTER we made the trek to 'the spot' - a place far enough away and "high" enough up that we could see several firework shows all at once, which of course was no small feat, because, I grew up in Illinois, the heartland of flat, flat and flat some-more terrain.
So after enduring, I mean ENJOYING the firework shows put on by the local municipalities we would then drag our bug bitten, crooked necked carcasses back into the un-air conditioned car for the ride home. By this time it was late-late and the only thing that kept us kids going was feeding off of my dad's enthusiasm about his "show".

In all honesty they were pretty cool. He would try a bunch of everything that he'd bought, and that they'd thrown into the bags for him - man did he ever live for those freebies that they'd give him.

Some years the fireworks he did would be so great, and other times no so much -- I seem to recall on more than one occasion my little sister getting caught on fire because of some type or another that went wild and strayed on him but she lived and only wound up some really holey clothes. My Dad even had a dog that shared his love of fireworks SO much she'd actually tried to catch and retrieve them for him. It sounds kind of scary, but she thought it was the BEST GAME EVER!

Since having our children we've started to create our own traditions for big holidays, typically re-creating something along the lines of what we had during youth. But this is one that we haven't been able to touch. It has been a few years since we've lived near my family or been back to visit over the Fourth of July. I am pretty sure that not much has changed and I am sure for my Dad that when the day comes his neighbors will be in for a "treat" later on in the evening, but I don't think he needs to practice -- he's been doing it for years.

Happy Independence Day America and all you 4th of July-ers out there... be safe, enjoy yourselves - and please remember your neighbors =)

'Til next time,


Saturday, June 30, 2012

School's Out and Summer is here...

So I see you've made it back, I'm glad... we were getting lonely here.

Not really. I mean I am glad to see that you've come back, but I have three kids, I'm actually pretty busy.

But, I did have some free time to take a moment to let you know what's been going on. School is finally out, Hooray! Time to be excited right?! Maybe if I were 9 and it was my summer vacation, but for me as Mom, these 10 weeks home with my kids are my full-time job that I spend the remaining 42 weeks of the year recovering from. 

Alright, that is not entirely true, but sometimes (especially at the beginning) it feels like it..

Blasphemy you say?! 

Then I see you'll need a little background to fully appreciate the scenario.
It's Summertime, kids are out of school and in my neck of the woods that is not until late June. A lot of the children around here still run around like it is circa 20+ years ago -- with no regard for personal safety, predators etc..., like they haven't a care in the world. Their parents send them out the door early and don't WANT them back 'til dinner time. Not me, I am a polar opposite of this in my parenting style. If I don't know you, haven't met you (and sometimes especially after meeting you) my children are kept as far away from you as possible. That said, and also because I am one of the only neighborhood Mom's who stays home we have become the "House of Choice." So of course when the kids come knocking they have to get an early start and it has quickly become a daily NIGHTMARE! Especially with my two big dogs alerting me in case I missed the non-stop loud thuds being made (I actually think they are kicking my door, thank God for steel!) -- and it sets off the chain reaction: the kids knock and then the dogs take to barking and I have yell over them to be quiet and to get back so I can answer, which is always particularly fun because it starts around 7:30 when my kids are still sleeping. I would almost bet the kids do it because they know, NOBODY can stay asleep with all the racket going on! I am sure that the "little knockers" find it amusing - but me, oh no, not so much!

When my kids are finally up and ready to face the day (and their "friends" are allowed inside) I am stupefied at the lack of regard for other people's homes and stuff in general these kids have. When I was growing up I'd have been slapped straight into next week if I walked into anyone's house demanding stuff... "I want a drink, Gimme that controller, this show sucks - how do you change the channel? You got food, I'm hungry?"

But no, these children know no limits! Each time they are over it is the SAME exact thing! I don't even give them anything (well maybe a glass of water) - because I truly believe that old saying about caring for strays, Don't you feed it, or it will never want to leave! You could say the same for the neighborhood kids.

I've tried on MANY occasions to refer hungry and thirsty children to their own homes if they didn't like that they could only have water from me - I was completely shocked to have heard "Nobody's home," My [Mom or Dad] told me not to come 'til dark." They've also shared with me that they've actually been told by their parents "Try and get somebody else to feed ya or wait til dinner." Seriously, WTH?! Are you kidding me?! What kind of parenting is that??? I didn't realize that I had been hired as your babysitter. Oh, wait, that's right because I WASN'T! But the kids (and I don't put all the blame off onto them) would spend ALL DAY everyday at our home if I would let them! 

Now you're probably saying then don't let them in, don't answer the door. I've tried it, it doesn't work. We've pretended not to be home, and then my kids become prisoners in their own house, even then they kept coming and pounding on the door. I bet now your saying to yourself, so let them knock, stay inside a few days and they'll get he hint. Well let me tell you what has happens when you DON'T let them in? It is NOT a pretty picture. Cluster 'gangs' of kids on bicycles litter the street making it impossible for cars to pass. Horns are blaring and you hear the shouts through car windows of people cursing, telling them to move! And don't get me started on the litter... It comes from the the pilfered candy and soda machines across the street and then gets scattered throughout my yard despite the trash bin being only steps in the other direction. I don't even want to know where they've gotten the change to 'pay' for it.

I guess what I am a getting at is this, am I the only one? Is this a freak anomoly from Pleasant Street or is this some kind of epidemic for kids nowadays everywhere? What are your helpful coping tips? I am willing and open to trying just about everything!!! We still have a lot of weeks left.

Thinking happy thoughts until next time?-
