Friday, August 3, 2012

It does no good to write it if you FORGET to post it!

Here we are at the beginning of a new week.  


The gateway to seven days full of so many possibilities, so much potential - so many opportunities... 

Actually it is kind of depressing to think about.  

Wait, what?! 
Why you're probably asking? 
Sunday USED to be my favorite day, because I always have so many aspirations to make THIS "the week" that stuff gets done.
But that never happens and so very little actually gets accomplished.  That despite all my lists and reminders it still feels like for every step forward I make, I wind up two behind where I wanted or needed to be.

The funny thing is people are constantly saying things like this to me: "Wow, I don't know how you have time for it all."  "I don't know how you do it!" "How do you manage, you're always go-go-go?"  

Ha!  If they only knew.  If they could only look into my head (and possibly all of the boxes of stuff I have been saving to finish) and see all of the things that I really truly wish I had time for, and WANT to do, they would think I was NUTS! The thing is though, I used to be normal. 

But then I went off to college.  
There I was my getting through life, being a good person, working as a server (oh don't get me going on the atrocity of that one!)  When I encountered Jamie, a girl who is still probably the sweetest person I've ever met.  We were both in school to become teachers and we had so much in common it was beyond ridiculous, so obviously became fast friends.  

It's been years since I've seen her, and even though it's long after graduation (and despite my continual moving) she and I have stayed in touch over the years.  Even though there is so much time, and now the even more, distance between us, I still find myself thinking about her... her generosity, strength and optimism.  Even though she's a tiny thing, barely over five feet tall her personality is twice that big and talk about contagious! 

But I digress.  

Probably the most important thing I learned from her was about the importance of  doing random acts of kindness.  We used to do all kinds of things to help people - strangers, friends, family and the people we worked with - if we saw they needed help and it was something with our power or abilities to do, we did it. We didn't ask for anything in return, it was just out of the goodness of our hearts.  It made us feel good.  Even though I haven't asked her lately if she's still doing RAK's, I can almost bet that she is.  I know I am.  

By doing so I try and LIVE the example I want to set for my children. 

That sometimes the best things to give to others aren't presents.  They are gifts that are not wrapped in neat and tidy packages, they don't have to cost a lot of money and won't always arrive on holidays.  

They come from the heart. 

They typically just take your time, your creativity and imagination (and maybe a little sweat or elbow grease).  But to the people you are helping out, it could be that day brightener they needed.  The thing that makes their week... and in return it will make yours.  The best part is that  when you do things for others unselfishly they are more apt to pay it forward to someone else.  

How cool is that?!  

I think it's SUPER. 

So maybe after reading this post you'll be inspired to do some Random Acts of Kindness of your own.  Be the example for your own children, or just to help yourself feel really good for being a WONDERFUL fellow human being!  

I hope your day is terrific and your week full of surprises!

'Til next time 

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